Aircrew ejections from ADF aircraft
By CMDR John Crawley, RAN (Rtd). (This website created with permission.) 
Since the introduction of ejection seats in ADF aircraft in the early 1950s, 92 crewmembers have ejected 
from 76 RAAF aircraft and 15 personnel from 12 RAN aircraft. Of these, seven RAAF ejections were 
unsuccessful, as were two from RAN aircraft. 
Only 75 RAAF aircraft were lost through ejections. In one of the 76 RAAF accidents, involving a Canberra 
in January 1955, the navigator only ejected while the aircraft may have been temporarily out of control. 
Although the navigator perished in this accident, the pilot subsequently landed the aircraft safely back at 
base. In another unusual accident, a pilot ejected successfully from a Sabre in September 1957, only to 
pass away five days later from an apparent heart attack. 
The first ADF ejection was from a RAAF Mk 8 Meteor on 14 Jun 51 in Japan, and the most recent from 
two RAAF Macchis on 24 Oct 94 following a midair collision near RAAF Williamtown, NSW. The present Air 
Commander Australia, AVM John Kindler, has the unique distinction of ejecting from not one, but two RAAF 
Mirages: the first occasion on 6 Jul 72 near Singapore and again on 2 Aug 83 at sea near Nowra, NSW. 
The single occupant of one RAAF Meteor (the first ADF ejection on 14 Jun 51), and both occupants of an 
RAN Sea Venom on 11 Feb 60, were most likely ejected without crew involvement. The Meteor ejection was 
successful; however, both Sea Venom crewmembers perished. 
Three pilots killed whilst flying Meteors in Korea, two during ground attack missions in January and April 
1952 respectively, and one during a dog fight with MIGs in October 1952 may have ejected or attempted 
ejection from their aircraft shortly before ground impact. As this information remains unconfirmed, 
details have not been included in the following list of ADF ejections. 

the Aircrew ejections from ADF aircraft A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF EJECTIONS FROM ADF AIRCRAFT By CMDR John Crawley, RAN (Rtd). document